Brazilian Butt Lift

Butt lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to enhance the shape and size of the buttocks. There are several different types of butt lift procedures, including Brazilian butt lift and Sculptra butt lift. Both procedures can improve the shape, size, and overall appearance of the buttocks, but BBL is a surgical procedure that requires recovery time, while Sculptra Butt Lift is non-surgical and does not require recovery time.

Brazilian Butt Lift

What is Sculptra Butt Lift?
( BBL alternative)

Sculptra Butt Lift is a non-surgical procedure that uses injectable Sculptra Aesthetic to add volume to the buttocks and create a more youthful and lifted appearance. The procedure is performed by a trained professional and usually takes about 30 minutes to complete.
It does not require any anesthesia or recovery time, allowing patients to return to their daily activities immediately after the procedure.
What is Sculptra Butt Lift?
( BBL alternative)
Sculptra Butt Lift is a non-surgical procedure that uses injectable Sculptra Aesthetic to add volume to the buttocks and create a more youthful and lifted appearance. The procedure is performed by a trained professional and usually takes about 30 minutes to complete.
It does not require any anesthesia or recovery time, allowing patients to return to their daily activities immediately after the procedure.

The CADES Clinic: Experts in Butt Lifting

If you’re considering a butt lift procedure, you want to be in the best hands possible. The CADES Clinic, a leader in cosmetic procedures, has a stellar reputation for delivering remarkable results in both Brazilian Butt Lift and Sculptra Butt Lift procedures. Their expert team can guide you through the process, ensuring your treatment aligns with your goals and expectations.

The CADES Clinic: Experts in Butt Lifting

If you’re considering a butt lift procedure, you want to be in the best hands possible. The CADES Clinic, a leader in cosmetic procedures, has a stellar reputation for delivering remarkable results in both Brazilian Butt Lift and Sculptra Butt Lift procedures. Their expert team can guide you through the process, ensuring your treatment aligns with your goals and expectations.

What is the difference between BBL and Sculptra Butt Lift?

A traditional Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a surgical procedure that involves removing fat from the abdomen, hips, back, or thighs via liposuction and then injecting it into the buttocks to enhance their size and shape. This procedure typically requires anesthesia, a recovery period of several weeks, and can result in some pain and swelling.

Sculptra Butt Lift, on the other hand, is a non-surgical procedure that uses injectable Sculptra Aesthetic to add volume to the buttocks and create a more youthful and lifted appearance. Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) dermal filler that stimulates collagen production to gradually increase volume and improve the overall appearance of the buttocks. The procedure usually takes about 30 minutes to complete and does not require any downtime.

Sculptra Butt Lift is a non-surgical alternative to a traditional BBL. Moreover, it is less invasive and does not require any surgery, anesthesia or recovery time. It can be performed as an office procedure and is a less expensive alternative.

What is the difference between BBL and Sculptra Butt Lift?

A traditional Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a surgical procedure that involves removing fat from the abdomen, hips, back, or thighs via liposuction and then injecting it into the buttocks to enhance their size and shape. However, this procedure typically requires anesthesia, a recovery period of several weeks, and can result in some pain and swelling.​
Sculptra Butt Lift, on the other hand, is a non-surgical procedure that uses injectable Sculptra Aesthetic to add volume to the buttocks and create a more youthful and lifted appearance. Moreover, Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) dermal filler that stimulates collagen production to gradually increase volume and improve the overall appearance of the buttocks. The procedure usually takes about 30 minutes to complete and does not require any downtime.
Sculptra Butt Lift is a non-surgical alternative to a traditional BBL. Moreover, it is less invasive and does not require any surgery, anesthesia or recovery time. So, it can be performed as an office procedure and is a less expensive alternative.

Scluptra Butt Lift Procedure
How does Scultra Butt Lift Work?

Consultation: A consultation with a trained professional is the first step to determine if the procedure is right for you. They will evaluate your medical history, skin condition and goals for the procedure.

Cleaning and numbing: Before the procedure, the area to be treated will be cleaned and numbed with a local anesthetic to minimize any discomfort during the procedure.

Injection: Sculptra Aesthetic is then injected into the buttocks using a fine needle. The product is injected into the deep dermis, or the layer of skin between the surface and the muscle.

Massage: After the injection, the area will be massaged to help distribute the Sculptra Aesthetic evenly.

Follow-up: The procedure typically requires 2-3 sessions, 4-6 weeks apart, to achieve the desired results. During follow-up appointments, the treated area will be evaluated and additional Sculptra Aesthetic may be injected as needed.

Aftercare: The patient will be given aftercare instructions to follow, such as avoiding strenuous activities, sitting or laying on the treated area for a period of time, and avoiding heat exposure.

It’s important to note that Sculptra Butt Lift procedure results are not immediate and can take several weeks to several months to be visible, as the product stimulates collagen production over time.

What is Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) ?

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to enhance the size, shape, and overall appearance of the buttocks. However, this procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon and typically begins with liposuction. During liposuction, a small cannula (a thin tube) is inserted into the body through a small incision. The cannula is used to suction out excess fat from targeted areas of the body, such as the stomach, hips, or thighs.
After liposuction, the fat that has been removed is then processed and purified. So, the purified fat is then carefully re-injected into the buttocks, using a series of small injections. The fat is typically injected in multiple layers and at different depths to ensure that it is evenly distributed and adheres well to the surrounding tissue.
The goal of a BBL is to create a rounder, more lifted, and more shapely buttocks. This is done by adding volume to the upper and outer regions of the buttocks, which helps to create the “Brazilian Butt Lift” look. In addition to liposuction, some patient may need to have some skin excised. Specially if they have a lot of excess skin which is resultant of weight loss.
The surgery usually take between 2-5 hours and is typically performed under general anesthesia. After the procedure, patients are usually required to wear a compression garment for several weeks to help with swelling and support the newly injected fat. Recovery time is usually around 2 to 4 weeks. And patients are typically able to return to work and other light activities within a few days. But strenuous exercise and other high-impact activities should be avoided for several weeks to allow sufficient time for healing.

What is Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) ?

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to enhance the size, shape, and overall appearance of the buttocks. However, this procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon and typically begins with liposuction. During liposuction, a small cannula (a thin tube) is inserted into the body through a small incision. The cannula is used to suction out excess fat from targeted areas of the body, such as the stomach, hips, or thighs.
After liposuction, the fat that has been removed is then processed and purified. So, the purified fat is then carefully re-injected into the buttocks, using a series of small injections. The fat is typically injected in multiple layers and at different depths to ensure that it is evenly distributed and adheres well to the surrounding tissue.
The goal of a BBL is to create a rounder, more lifted, and more shapely buttocks. This is done by adding volume to the upper and outer regions of the buttocks, which helps to create the “Brazilian Butt Lift” look. In addition to liposuction, some patient may need to have some skin excised. Specially if they have a lot of excess skin which is resultant of weight loss.
The surgery usually take between 2-5 hours and is typically performed under general anesthesia. After the procedure, patients are usually required to wear a compression garment for several weeks to help with swelling and support the newly injected fat. However, the Recovery time is usually around 2 to 4 weeks and patients are typically able to return to work and other light activities within a few days. But strenuous exercise and other high-impact activities should be avoided for several weeks to allow sufficient time for healing.
Brazilian Butt Lift

Good Candidate for BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift)

  • In general good health

  • Non-smoker or willing to quit smoking for a period of time before and after the procedure

  • No history of keloid scarring

  • Positive attitude and open communication with the surgeon

  • Willing to follow pre- and post-operative instructions

  • Good skin elasticity

  • Understands the risks and benefits of the procedure

  • Have enough time to recover after surgery

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) Benefit

  • Improved shape and size of the buttocks

  • Body contouring

  • Enhanced self-confidence

  • Increased clothes options

  • Long lasting results

  • Non-surgical alternatives can’t match the results

What kind of exercise can I do after brazilian butt lift surgery?

Brazilian Butt Lift FAQs

It is generally well-tolerated, with a local anesthetic applied to minimize discomfort.

The procedure typically lasts between 2 to 5 hours.

Most patients can return to work and other light activities within a few days.

The results can last up to 2 years, although this can vary depending on individual factors.

Yes, the CADES Clinic offers both procedures, ensuring personalized treatment plan that meets the needs and desires of each patient