Face Surgery Aftercare

After a face treatment or surgery, it is important to follow the specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider or aesthetician to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of complications. This may include avoiding certain activities or substances, such as exposure to the sun or using certain skincare products, and keeping the treated area clean and moisturized.

Face Surgery Aftercare

Common cosmetic procedures that leave you with intact skin include:

  • Microdermabrasion​

  • Nonablative laser resurfacing procedures

  • Mild chemical peels

  • Fillers or Botox

Common cosmetic procedures that leave you with open wounds or broken skin include:​

  • Deep chemical peels

  • Ablative laser resurfacing treatments

  • Surgical procedures, such as eyelifts, rhinoplasty and facelifts

Skin-Care After a Face Treatment

After a face treatment, it is important to follow the specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider or aesthetician to ensure proper healing and maximize the benefits of the treatment.

Here are some general guidelines for caring for your skin after a face treatment:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

About Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing breast size. It’s typically done by placing silicone or saline breast implants, though fat transfer may also be an option.

A good candidate for breast augmentation is generally a woman in good physical health, has realistic expectations, and believes her breasts are too small or one is smaller than the other, or wants to restore breast volume lost due to weight loss or pregnancy.

As with any surgery, there are risks including infection, changes in nipple or breast sensation, poor scarring, or complications from anesthesia. Implants also have risks including rupture or leakage, capsular contracture, or the need for additional surgeries to replace the implants over time.

As with any surgical procedure, a breast lift has potential risks, including bleeding, infection, changes in nipple or breast sensation, scarring, or complications from anesthesia. However, these risks are typically low, especially when the procedure is performed by an experienced surgeon.
There will be some scarring, but its visibility depends on the incision techniques used, individual healing, and scar care post-surgery. Surgeons at Cades Clinic work meticulously to minimize and strategically place these scars so that they can be easily hidden by bras or swimwear.

Recovery periods can vary but generally, patients can return to work within a week and resume normal activities after several weeks. Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines based on your individual circumstances.

The lifespan of breast implants varies, but it’s important to note that they are not considered lifetime devices. An individual may need to have the implants replaced if there are complications or if the size and shape of the breasts change over time.

What to Expect after Rhinoplasty?

How to Take Care of it?

The healing process after a rhinoplasty procedure (also known as a “nose job“) will vary depending on the specific type of procedure you had and your individual circumstances. It is important to follow the specific instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of complications.

Here is a general overview of what you can expect during the healing process after a rhinoplasty

  1. Swelling and bruising: It is common to experience swelling and bruising around the nose and eyes after a rhinoplasty procedure. These symptoms should gradually improve over the first few weeks to months after the procedure.

  2. Pain and discomfort: You may experience some pain and discomfort after the procedure, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication.

  3. Stitches: If you had stitches placed during the procedure, they will typically be removed within the first week after the procedure.

  4. Nasal splint: Your surgeon may place a splint on your nose after the procedure to help protect the treated area and support the healing process. The splint will typically be removed within the first week after the procedure.

  5. Return to normal activities: It is generally recommended to avoid strenuous activity. Avoid heavy lifting for at least a few weeks after the procedure to allow your body time to heal. You may be able to return to your normal activities within a few weeks. But it may take several months for the swelling to fully resolve.

If you have any concerns or questions about the healing process after a rhinoplasty, it is best to discuss them with your surgeon. They can provide specific guidance based on the type of procedure you had and your individual circumstances.

Can I Wear Make Up After Cosmetic Surgery on Face?

It is generally recommended to avoid wearing makeup for at least a few days after a facial surgery procedure. Such as a facelift, brow lift, or blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). This is to allow the treated area time to heal and minimize the risk of infection.

Once the treated area has fully healed and the incisions have closed, it is generally safe to wear makeup again. However, it is important to follow the specific instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of complications.

Here are some general guidelines for wearing makeup after a facial surgery procedure

Wait until the treated area has fully healed: It is generally recommended to wait until the treated area has fully healed. And the incisions have closed before wearing makeup. This may take a few days to a week or more, depending on the type of procedure you had and your individual circumstances.

Use a gentle, non-irritating makeup: Choose a gentle, non-irritating makeup that is suitable for sensitive skin. Avoid using products that contain alcohol, which can be drying and irritating to the skin.

Avoid applying makeup too soon after cleansing

Give your skin time to dry after cleansing before applying makeup. This can help minimize the risk of irritation and infection.

Remove makeup before bed

It is important to remove your makeup before going to bed. That will allow your skin to breathe and help prevent irritation and infection.

If you have any concerns or questions about wearing makeup after a facial surgery procedure, it is best to discuss them with your surgeon. They can provide specific guidance based on the type of procedure you had and your individual circumstances.