Dental veneers, while generally safe and effective for improving the appearance of your teeth, do come with some potential risks and side effects. Here are a few:

  1. Tooth Sensitivity: Since the procedure involves removing a small amount of enamel from your tooth surface, you may experience increased sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.
  2. Irreversible Procedure: The process is not reversible because a portion of your original tooth enamel is removed during the procedure.
  3. Damage to Underlying Tooth: If the veneer cracks or chips, the underlying tooth could be exposed to potential damage or decay.
  4. Mismatched Color: Over time, the veneer may discolor or the color may not exactly match your other teeth. Unlike natural teeth, veneers cannot be whitened.
  5. Replacement Issues: Veneers are not permanent and will likely need to be replaced at some point, typically after 10-15 years.
  6. Possible Malocclusion: In some cases, veneers can alter your bite, leading to a malocclusion (misalignment between your upper and lower teeth when you close your mouth).
  7. Gum Tissue Reaction: Some people may find that their gum tissue does not react well to veneers, causing discomfort or inflammation.

Before deciding to get veneers, it’s important to have a comprehensive discussion with your dentist about the potential risks and benefits. They can also help you explore other options and decide what’s best for your individual needs.