In the realm of weight loss, the journey can often be fraught with challenges and emotional hurdles. Susi’s story, however, shines as a beacon of hope and triumph. Traveling all the way from Australia to Istanbul, Susi’s determination to shed her stubborn extra kilos led her to Cades Clinic, where she found not just a solution, but a supportive team that helped her achieve remarkable results. Her story is not just about weight loss; it’s about reclaiming life, health, and happiness.


A Struggle with Weight

For years, Susi battled with her weight. Despite numerous diets, exercise plans, and weight loss programs, she found herself unable to shed the excess kilos that had become a constant burden. The impact on her physical health and emotional well-being was profound, and she knew she needed a more effective and lasting solution.

For Susi the Gastric Balloon was more than just a device that helps you feel full faster after meals and reduces calorie intake. It serves as a powerful tool to teach you about your actual nutritional needs and helps you recognize and change unhealthy eating behaviors. This is exactly what Susi experienced on her journey.

Through the Gastric Balloon, Susi learned to understand her body’s true hunger signals and discovered the extent of her previous dietary mistakes. With this newfound awareness, she was able to adopt healthier eating habits. By making significant lifestyle changes, such as cutting out her beloved potatoes, Susi achieved incredible results.

Weight loss or healthy lifestyle accessories on mint background


Discovering Cades Clinic

Her quest for a transformative solution led her to discover Cades Clinic in Istanbul, renowned for its expertise in weight loss treatments and personalized care. The decision to travel such a long distance was not easy, but Susi’s determination to regain control of her health outweighed any reservations. The promise of a caring team and innovative treatments like the Gastric Balloon made her choice clear.


What is a Gastric Balloon?

The Gastric Balloon is a non-surgical weight loss procedure designed to help patients lose significant amounts of weight by reducing their stomach capacity. This minimally invasive treatment involves placing a soft, expandable balloon in the stomach, which is then filled with a saline solution. The balloon takes up space in the stomach, leading to a feeling of fullness and reduced food intake.

Allurion Balloon, gastric balloon, weight loss

The Procedure

Susi’s journey began with a thorough consultation at Cades Clinic, where the medical team assessed her health and weight loss goals. The Gastric Balloon procedure itself was straightforward and minimally invasive:

1. Insertion: The deflated balloon was inserted into Susi’s stomach through her mouth using an endoscope while she was under mild sedation.

2. Inflation: Once in place, the balloon was filled with saline until it reached the desired size, occupying a significant portion of her stomach.

3. Recovery: The entire procedure took about 20-30 minutes, and Susi was able to return to her accommodation on the same day. Initial mild discomfort and nausea are common as the body adjusts to the balloon, but these symptoms typically subside within a few days.

Allurion Balloon, gastric balloon, weight loss


How It Works

The Gastric Balloon works by promoting a sense of fullness, reducing the amount of food Susi could consume at each meal. Combined with a comprehensive support program including dietary guidance, regular follow-ups, and lifestyle coaching provided by Cades Clinic, Susi was equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to make healthier choices and achieve lasting weight loss.


The Amazing Outcome

The results of Susi’s treatment were nothing short of extraordinary. In less than six months, she lost more than 30 kilograms. The transformation was not only physical but also emotional. Susi regained her confidence, vitality, and a renewed sense of self-worth. The unwavering support and expert care she received at Cades Clinic played a crucial role in her success.

Allurion Balloon, gastric balloon, weight loss


Sharing Her Story

Thrilled with her outcome, Susi shared her inspiring journey in an exclusive podcast with Cades Clinic. She offers valuable tips and insights on achieving significant weight loss with the Gastric Balloon, sharing practical advice and motivational encouragement for others considering the procedure.

[Susi’s Podcast]



Susi’s story is a powerful testament to the life-changing potential of the Gastric Balloon and the exceptional care provided by Cades Clinic. Her journey from Australia to Istanbul, driven by a desire to reclaim her health and happiness, underscores the transformative impact of personalized medical care and innovative treatments.

For those struggling with weight loss and seeking a proven solution, Susi’s experience offers hope and inspiration. The Gastric Balloon at Cades Clinic provides a pathway to significant weight loss and a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Disclaimer: The content on this blog is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult qualified healthcare providers for personalized advice. Information regarding plastic surgery, dental treatment, hair transplant, and other medical procedures is educational and not a guarantee of results. We do not assume liability for actions taken based on blog content. Medical knowledge evolves; verify information and consult professionals. External links do not imply endorsement. By using this blog, you agree to these terms.