- ¿Qué es la liposucción de alta definición VASER 4D?
- ¿Cómo funciona la liposucción de alta definición VASER 4D?
- ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de la liposucción de alta definición VASER 4D?
- ¿Son seguros los procedimientos de liposucción de alta definición VASER 4D?
- ¿Son rentables los procedimientos de liposucción de alta definición VASER 4D?
Vaser 4D lipo is the newest advancement in body sculpting technology. Utilizing ultrasound energy to break down fat deposits and liquefy them more quickly than previous methods has resulted in significantly less contour irregularities and reduced bleeding and swelling.
Body contouring treatments are ideal for both men and women who are suffering from localized fat accumulation. Although it doesn’t change your overall body weight, this method can help reshape abdominal and thigh areas for an aesthetic change.
What is VASER 4D Hi-Def Liposuction?
Many individuals struggle with stubborn fat deposits that no matter of dieting and exercise can shift. These stubborn pockets of fat often occur around the abdomen, back, and arms and create unsightly bulges that hinder an otherwise slim figure. VASER lipo can assist patients in reaching their ideal body by eliminating fat from targeted areas using cutting edge laser technology.
Procedure is performed under local anaesthetic with or without conscious sedation, starting with injection of an epinephrine-lidocaine mixture saline solution to shrink and numb the area before inserting a cannula with five rings to speed and facilitate fat removal process.
These rings also help reduce damage to surrounding tissues such as blood vessels and nerves, leading to reduced postoperative oedema and shorter recovery periods for patients. At this time, your surgeon may also utilize Renuvion or J-Plasma injections to further enhance body sculpting results.
This advanced technology is more precise than traditional power-assisted liposuction techniques and reduces chances of fat migration, improving body sculpting results while increasing success rates and decreasing embolism risks.
This technique is best for individuals who are close to reaching their ideal weight and possess strong muscle tone, who do not wish to dramatically change their bodies through significant weight loss or transformations. Although not meant for weight loss or transformations, this can still prove effective for men looking to address gynecomastia (male breast tissue growth) and women wanting to reshape their buttocks.
How Does VASER 4D Hi-Def Liposuction Work?
VASER 4D Hi-Def Liposuction involves shaping your body with ultrasound energy to create contoured curves. The VASER technology liquefies fat in your body, making it easier for surgeons to extract. In the procedure, they chisel away just enough fat from specific areas so you can reveal your natural curves; unlike traditional liposuction which simply drains excess fat out. Furthermore, this technique also allows them to target fat located above muscles for a more athletic and toned look.
Even with an excellent diet and rigorous workout routine, many people still find themselves struggling to shed stubborn pockets of fat from arms, back, abdomen, and thighs. This fat often obscures muscle definition, keeping people from reaching the body they seek. VASER Hi-Def liposuction offers a solution designed to safely extract this problem fat for more attractive, muscular results.
This procedure is safe and minimally invasive. A plastic surgeon uses specialized ultrasound device to liquefy unwanted fat deposits on your body before suctioning them out through small incisions typically less than 5mm wide. The whole process usually takes 1-3 hours per area to treat.
Patients will be sedated during this procedure. Once treatment has been completed, our plastic surgeon will stitch and bandage any incisions made and bandage affected areas. It is advised that compression garments be worn post-procedure for up to four weeks post-surgery in order to reduce swelling and bruising and most patients can return immediately back to work or other daily activities following this treatment. In conjunction with other procedures like BBL (Beam Broadband Light Therapy), breast augmentation with fat injection and tummy tuck – patients can return immediately following this treatment as soon as their procedure.
What Are the Benefits of VASER 4D Hi-Def Liposuction?
VASER high definition liposuction helps patients achieve a toned, athletic physique in one procedure. This cutting-edge technique sculpts the body while simultaneously revealing and enhancing muscle while eliminating unwanted pockets of fat. VASER liposuction can benefit men and women who desire six-pack abdomens or defined arms while eliminating stubborn fat deposits elsewhere on the body.
VASER hi-def liposuction utilizes ultrasound technology to emulsify stubborn fat deposits that resist traditional liposuction techniques, including bra rolls or love handles, more fibrous pockets of fat that are typically difficult to treat with traditional liposuction techniques, as well as energy that causes skin retraction for an improved and toned appearance post surgery.
After receiving VASER hi-def liposuction treatment, you will require wearing a compression garment to reduce swelling and bruising and speed the recovery process. Furthermore, pressure should be avoided on the area treated until some time after recovery has taken place; light exercises are allowed to remain active.
VASER 4D Hi-Def Liposuction offers permanent results because fat cells removed during treatment do not regrow, meaning you’ll be able to maintain your new, leaner physique for as long as you continue living a healthy lifestyle.
Are You Struggling With Body Contouring Through Exercise and Diet Alone? VASER 4D Hi-Def Body Contouring Could be Your Answer! Reach Out Today To Schedule a Consultation With One Of Our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons During our consultation session we will analyze your unique circumstances to see if VASER 4D Hi-Def Body Contouring Is Right For You.
Are VASER 4D Hi-Def Liposuction Procedures Safe?
Are You an Ideal Candidate for VASER Hi-Def Lipo? If you are otherwise healthy male or female with an extremely low body fat percentage, VASER Hi-Def Lipo could be right for you. This procedure is ideal for eliminating fat pockets from areas like abdomen, hips and flanks, arms back as well as in some male patients (gynecomastia). While this does not replace diet and exercise; rather it sculpts trouble spots into toned bodies for an athletic look.
VASER technology delivers ultrasound energy that breaks apart fatty tissue in your body without harming muscle, bone or nerve tissues – allowing surgeons to target areas without risk of damage or disruption. Liquified fat cells are then easily suctioned out using extremely small cannulas (2.2mm to 3.7mm) making this much safer than traditional liposuction procedures which often leave behind postoperative swelling and bruising.
Once your treatment is over, it is important to follow your plastic surgeon’s advice regarding wearing a compression garment post-op in order to decrease post-operative swelling and skin contraction that could otherwise result in contour irregularities.
Liposuction is considered a permanent procedure since treated adult fat cells do not regenerate. However, surrounding fat cells may expand after treatment which could alter your long-term body composition and require you to work out regularly and adhere to a healthy diet post procedure to maintain results and accelerate recovery. Drink plenty of water post treatment as it will help reduce swelling and speed recovery time.
Are VASER 4D Hi-Def Liposuction Procedures Cost Effective?
VASER 4D Hi-Def Liposuction procedures typically cost more than traditional liposuction procedures and are usually not covered by health insurance plans, with patients paying out of pocket for them instead. However, their results tend to last longer; swelling, bruising and discomfort may persist for up to several days post procedure; but this should diminish over time.
Ultrasound technology is used for body sculpting to break apart and melt fat cells while leaving other types of tissues unaffected, as well as tighten skin for smoother and more contoured results. Ideal for both men and women alike, especially those who have stubborn pockets of fat that do not respond to diet or exercise alone.
Beginning this procedure with anesthesia application to the targeted area, they make a small incision before injecting tumescent fluid to agitate and dissolve fat cells before sucking out with special cannula to extract all unwanted fatty tissue from that area. They will continue this process in each target area until all desired fat removals have taken place.
VASER Hi Def Liposuction gives an athletic, toned look without needing to spend hours in the gym or maintain the effects of exercise over time. It can even provide men with defined abs and the appearance of six pack abs or women with toned pectorals from regular gym visits; perfect for anyone wanting to achieve great-looking bodies without going under anesthesia for surgery; it can even produce six pack abs for men! However, this state-of-the-art procedure should not be expected to provide significant weight loss effects; please be aware of this when considering these results as it won’t.
Disclaimer: The content on this blog is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult qualified healthcare providers for personalized advice. Information regarding plastic surgery, dental treatment, hair transplant, and other medical procedures is educational and not a guarantee of results. We do not assume liability for actions taken based on blog content. Medical knowledge evolves; verify information and consult professionals. External links do not imply endorsement. By using this blog, you agree to these terms.