Buttocks (also referred to as bottom or gluteal muscles) are the rounded portions of the human pelvic region. As such, they often become targets of sexually driven practices such as anilingus (licking of anus) and rimming.

Buttocks come in various forms and their appearance has varied with fashion trends over time, sometimes covering or emphasizing them. Furthermore, buttocks have become an object of artistic and literary study.


Buttocks, also referred to as nates or clunium and gluteus regio glutealis, are a distinguishing feature of many bipeds and quadrupeds. Composed of muscle masses superimposed over layers of fat, their formation allows primates to sit upright without resting their weight on four legs like four-legged animals would.

Buttocks are considered attractive by many and frequently depicted in art. Erogenous zones provide sexual pleasure and fascination, though there may be taboos regarding buttocks similar to male genitals or breasts if shown publicly.

Buttocks in primate species are often associated with reproduction. Females signal when they’re ready to mate by showing off enlarged and swollen buttocks; during fertile periods in their menstrual cycle, these buttocks become even more vibrantly colored and become an indicator of this sign of readiness to mate.

Buttocks have inspired numerous English words, including buttocks, butt, butt, booty, backside, bum and buns; ass is an anglicized version of Old English arse’, which in turn derives from Proto-Germanic ersaz’ and Latin translations into Ancient Greek orros’.

Butt is also a surname with its first recorded use dating back to 1330s England. At that time, Old and Middle English languages lacked specific spelling rules; therefore scribes spelled names based on sound rather than spelling rules; this led to the wide array of variants still seen today due to Latin roots in English words such as Butt. With so many meanings and origins to consider when considering names like Butt, one shouldn’t be too surprised that such an obscure surname as Butt can hold many mysteries of its own when considering its history and meanings today!


Buttock muscles make up one of the largest muscle groups in your body and maintaining strong buttocks is essential to physical wellbeing, helping prevent injury, reduce fatigue and promote stability while fighting signs of aging. Unfortunately, sitting too much inhibits these muscles, so they should be challenged with strength training such as high-rep squats combined with lower-load endurance exercises like running or climbing to keep them fit and strong.

The buttocks’ round shape is created by three gluteal muscles – gluteus maximus being the largest and strongest one, lying over two other gluteals – gluteus medius and minimus, all covered with thick layers of fat.

These muscles are responsible for the movement of hips and knees, as well as supporting spine vertebrae to ensure an upright posture. Furthermore, the Piriformis Muscle which extends from Sacroiliac Joint to Greater Trochanter of Femur also contributes to this movement by contributing movement of buttocks and hips.

Gluteal muscles are unique in that they contain both fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibers, with fast-twitch fibers being utilized during bursts of speed or power while slow-twitch fibers providing support during aerobic activities.

Humans are unique among mammals in that their buttocks remain permanently attached, due to a combination of buttock muscles, fatty tissue, and an upright stature of the pelvis. This causes human buttocks to protrude more than in other primates allowing sexual interactions without needing to bend over first. Furthermore, humans’ unique pelvis configuration orients genitalia more toward the front than other primates making face-to-face intercourse easier than before.

Artistic representation

Art often explores butts, as seen in paintings by Jeff Koons or sculptures by Cindy Sherman. Female butts and bootys in particular often become objects of artistic inquiry by artists using them to explore gender identities, political ideologies and societal concerns.

Riikka Hyvonen of Helsinki-based painter is fascinated by butts that have been bruised or scarred, and she has painted an exquisite series called Derby Kisses on leather canvasses to celebrate female derby skaters’ bravado while challenging society’s obsession with unblemished skin.

The Young British Artists, or YBAs, emerged during the late 1980s and made work that addressed politics, identity and the AIDS crisis. Unfortunately for them however, critics and historians often ignored their work due to its unconventional yet direct approach towards it; perhaps as too sexual or too “gay”, but also because it did not fit with Western art history’s dominant narrative that favoured painting and sculpture.

Butt benefited immensely while studying at Goldsmiths during the late ’80s from tutors who encouraged multidisciplinary approaches, enabling him to combine his love of both science and art into one form: his first installation, Transmission (1990). For this work, Butt took inspiration from science fiction books such as Night of the Living Dead or Invasion of the Body Snatchers as sources for visual inspiration.

Butt used the fear of alien life forms as a symbolic representation of HIV/AIDS’s dangers, manifested both obliquely and coded in his work. Additionally, images from gay pin-up magazines represent male buttocks to him as symbols of perfection that is both masculine and virginal – an idea further explored through Butt’s work.


Reproducing something means creating an exact copy, from printing on a printer to producing films or videos. Reproduce also refers to making something available via the facilities of telecommunications networks.

Anthropologist Desmond Morris has suggested that human female breasts, with their round globes of fatty tissue that resemble buttocks in shape, evolved as sexual signals. According to him, like other primates their buttocks become flat when not pregnant or nursing and serve little function; with human pelvises shifting forward-facing position more breasts developed to mimic buttocks shape as sexual signals.


Buttock appearance can be determined both genetically and by how much fat there is present, with diet and exercise playing a part as well. With either of these approaches available to them, women who have square or flat buttocks may use cosmetic procedures to sculpt them into rounder forms.

Brazilian butt lifts can add volume and create more pleasing curves in this area of your buttocks, while dermal fillers such as Sculptra may stimulate collagen production to enhance their shape and contours.

Fat grafting, commonly referred to as Brazilian butt lift, involves extracting fat from other areas of the body and processing it to remove blood and collagen before injecting it directly into buttocks using cannulas attached to syringes. The procedure can be used either alone or combined with liposuction or implants for maximum effectiveness.

Asian patients frequently seek to increase the size of their buttocks and Dr Rubin uses an effective yet safe technique called autologous fat transfer to do this. He advises patients that major blood vessels run close to the surface should be avoided when performing autologous fat transfer as this could potentially end up entering their bloodstream and clogging it.

Before undertaking buttock reshaping surgery, it’s essential to discuss your expectations and results with your physician. Furthermore, understanding the recovery process – with pain medications likely required as well as drains to minimize fluid build-up – will also be key.

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