Sleeve Surgery – A Safe and Effective Way to Lose Weight and Improve Your Health

Sleeve surgery is an efficient and safe method for helping individuals lose weight, improving or alleviating obesity-related health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. By altering how much food you can eat at once and decreasing hunger levels while simultaneously regulating blood sugar, this procedure is proven to decrease risks related to being overweight such as heart disease and diabetes, and can sometimes eliminate the need for additional weight-loss surgeries altogether.

To perform sleeve surgery, your surgeon removes approximately three-quarters of your stomach along the outside edge of its curvature, creating a small tube-like pouch known as the sleeve. Food still enters this sleeve from the pylorus and its functioning pyloric valve; additionally, this reduces appetite by restricting hunger hormone production while simultaneously curbing cravings.

Sleeve surgery is typically conducted laparoscopically through small incisions in the abdomen. Before performing the operation, your surgeon will insert a small camera called a laparoscope through these incisions into your belly and use this camera to perform all necessary cuts for your surgery.

Minimally invasive surgery increases your likelihood of experiencing a quicker recovery timeframe compared with traditional open surgery procedures, and many patients return to work within 10 days or sooner.

Before proceeding with sleeve surgery, your physician will conduct a comprehensive medical history review and physical exam, ordering blood tests and ultrasound to ensure you’re healthy enough for this procedure. They’ll also give advice regarding what you can expect before, during, and after the operation and how best to prepare yourself for major lifestyle changes.

Most adults can benefit from having a smaller stomach, as it makes them feel full after eating less food. Furthermore, having sleeve surgery may reduce hunger as well as lower production of hormones that stimulate appetite.

If you are considering sleeve surgery, it’s essential that you understand this is not a “quick fix.” Instead, this commitment must include making long-term lifestyle adjustments to protect and meet nutritional requirements post surgery – specifically choosing foods wisely and continuing taking vitamins afterward.

Surgery to treat obesity can lower the risk of many serious health conditions, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, surgery may help manage obstructive sleep apnea, high blood pressure and some types of cancer.

Your doctor can assess your body mass index (BMI). A BMI of 40 or greater indicates you may need to lose weight; moreover, having serious health conditions that might benefit from weight loss such as obstructive sleep apnea or type 2 diabetes could make weight loss easier and help increase its effectiveness.

If approved for sleeve surgery, your care team will include nurses and dietitians to assist with nutrition and meal planning. You will attend classes to learn what to expect prior, during, and post surgery as well as how to avoid complications; in addition to regular follow up check-ups to assess weight loss progress and any associated health concerns.

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