At a teeth cleaning, a dental hygienist will use special instruments to remove hardened plaque and tartar from between your gum line and teeth, which may cause some discomfort but is essential for your oral health.

Poor oral hygiene can put one at risk for numerous diseases, including cardiovascular issues and diabetes complications. This is because bacteria found in your mouth can enter your bloodstream and affect every part of your body.


Going to the dentist feels like getting your health back on track: your teeth get scrubbed and scraped clean, with professional cleaning removing stubborn plaque that you might have missed while brushing alone. Even with excellent brushing habits in place, though, food particles and bacteria may still get lodged between your teeth; if left unattended this could lead to tooth decay and gum disease if left unchecked.

Tooth brushing is one of the best things you can do for your teeth and gums, helping remove bacteria-laden plaque from clinging to them, thereby helping prevent tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath. But to maximize its effects, proper techniques must be utilized.

Start with a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush, holding it at 45-degree angle from your gums, using small circular and back-and-forth strokes to clean all surfaces of the upper and lower teeth, including chewing surfaces and inside surfaces of upper teeth as well as chewing surfaces of chewing surfaces. After finishing brushing effectively, spit any extra paste and saliva into a clean sink.

Brushing your tongue regularly to remove bacteria and freshen your breath is also key for oral health and freshening it up. Soft bristled brushes that fit the size and shape of your mouth are recommended; as hard bristled ones can damage teeth and gums. Remember to change out your toothbrush at least every three months or sooner if its bristles become frayed or worn out – or sooner should frayed bristles require replacement!

When selecting your toothbrush, look for an American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval and apply a light amount of pressure when brushing. Too much force and abrasion may erode away enamel which leads to gum disease and tooth loss.

If you have braces or difficulty holding onto your toothbrush, an electric or battery-operated version may be the better option for you. There are even ergonomic handles to help people with arthritis manage to hold onto a regular toothbrush more easily.

After eating or drinking anything acidic, it’s best to wait an hour before brushing to give your enamel time to harden back up again and prevent enamel erosion and tooth decay.

Not only should flossing be part of your regular dental hygiene regimen, it should be part of daily hygiene habits as well. By flossing at least once daily you can remove bacteria, food debris and plaque that is trapped between teeth that a toothbrush cannot reach. Left unattended plaque can harden into gingivitis as well as cause tooth and bone loss; flossing can help avoid these potential issues by regularly clearing these tight spaces between your teeth through flossing.


Every day, make time to floss your teeth. Flossing helps remove food and plaque that might otherwise get missed by brushing alone, giving a deeper clean while helping prevent gum disease. While flossing may initially seem daunting or challenging at first, with practice it becomes easier; whether morning or night before bed, be sure to set a reminder on your calendar and be consistent!

When beginning to floss for the first time, it is essential to do it gently. Snipping or scraping can cause tissue damage and result in bloodshed; to use an effective sawing motion with your floss and apply minimal pressure against teeth.

If you need help learning to floss properly, ask your dentist or dental hygienist for a demonstration. They’ll gladly show you the correct technique while using fresh sections each time; this will prevent old floss from polluting new areas of flossing.

Flossing can be particularly helpful for those wearing braces, as it removes plaque and food debris that has become lodged between wires or brackets and gum line. Doing this helps protect against decay while simultaneously maintaining oral health until they come off.

Another key benefit of regular flossing is to protect against gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease which can lead to tooth loss and other health complications. Regular flossing helps prevent gingivitis as well as calculus (hardened plaque) build-up in between teeth and under the gum line by keeping gum disease at bay.

Along with daily brushing and flossing, it is also vitally important to visit the dentist regularly for professional cleanings. Dental cleanings remove plaque, tartar and bacteria that have hardened in hard-to-reach places and identify any anomalies that could be early indicators of gum disease or oral cancer.

If you have any concerns or questions about your teeth or gums, always visit a dentist for consultation. He/she can recommend products and services tailored specifically for you to maintain a healthy smile as well as tips to enhance brushing and flossing routines – which will lead to beautiful smiles throughout your lifetime! Get in touch with our office now so we can arrange an appointment; we look forward to meeting with you!

Baking soda

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an indispensable household item with multiple applications, from relieving bad breath to cleaning silverware stains. Baking soda also plays an integral part in many teeth whitening treatments as its mild abrasive properties help remove some tooth stains while simultaneously helping scrub away plaque – the main source of gum disease and cavities – from your teeth. As an alkaline substance, it also balances out acidity levels in your mouth to prevent enamel erosion.

People sometimes opt to brush their teeth with baking soda instead of traditional toothpaste in an attempt to improve oral health and whiten their teeth, though the safety and effectiveness of such an approach remains questionable.

Baking soda may not be ideal as a standalone treatment solution, due to several reasons. Baking soda is too abrasive on teeth and could damage enamel with consistent use, lacks fluoride protection from cavities, create an unpleasant taste in the mouth and leave behind an unpleasant gritty texture in its wake – some people try combining baking soda with other ingredients such as vinegar or mashed strawberries in order to overcome these challenges.

Baking soda brushing poses two primary concerns. First is its abrasive nature; secondly is that it disrupts dental biofilms which feed bacteria growth and lead to gum disease, tooth decay and other oral health issues. Biofilms are colonies of bacteria which adhere to your teeth, making it harder for saliva to break them down. Brushing with baking soda causes individual grains of powder to disrupt these biofilms and decrease their number.

Another drawback of baking soda brushing is its inability to thoroughly flush away the residue left by grit, which can wear away at tooth surfaces and expose nerve endings, making the teeth more sensitive and susceptible to damage from plaque build-up. Furthermore, pure baking soda leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth that could prevent some people from sticking with their routine.

Baking soda should be included as part of a dentifrice (toothpaste) that contains other ingredients to combat these problems, while only using small amounts every few weeks.

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