Hair restoration surgery entails transplanting healthy hair from surrounding areas to those that have become bald or thin due to disease or injury, often performed by dermatologists and plastic surgeons.
BSG provides non-invasive techniques for hair restoration that encourage follicles to produce new hair growth and camouflage thin or bald areas, such as Scalp Camo and PRP Progrowth Hair Therapy.
What is hair loss?
Hair loss occurs when hair follicles cease producing new hair. It may come as either a gradual and persistent decline or in one sudden episode that leads to large areas of baldness. Hair loss can often be linked to health problems like illness, surgery or medication; it may also be brought on by stress, eating disorders or hormonal imbalance. Trichotillomania – an impulse control disorder associated with compulsively pulling and bending of hairs – may also contribute to hair loss. Other causes could include radiation therapy for cancer treatment or scars from accidents. Doctors usually diagnose hair loss by conducting an evaluation that includes taking the person’s medical history and performing physical exams; questions may include frequency of shampooing, brushing and blow drying use as well as family histories that include hair loss.
What are the causes of hair loss?
Hair loss can be caused by numerous factors. Hereditary loss occurs as people age, leading to receding hairlines or bald spots (androgenic alopecia, male-pattern baldness, female-pattern alopecia). Other causes may include disease (Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroiditis/lupus) or health conditions like tinea capitis. Furthermore, chemotherapy for cancer treatments could contribute.
Hair may also shed in response to physical or emotional stress, known as telogen effluvium. Handfuls of hair may fall out while combing or washing; typically this condition results in thinning rather than bald spots.
Sometimes hair is pulled out by habit, such as twisting or teasing (trichotillomania). This condition is more prevalent among children than adults and most of the hair that’s been pulled out usually grows back over time. Some types of temporary loss include childbirth or menopause-related shedding of follicles that occurs before growing back out again.
What are the treatments for hair Restoration?
Numerous medications can slow hair loss, promote partial regrowth or replace lost locks. There are surgical treatments available for correcting advanced baldness in men; non-invasive non-surgical solutions (androgenic alopecia) include lotions, tablets and foams which must be used continuously in order to keep working their magic.
Hair transplantation is a surgical technique to restore hair in areas of the scalp that have become thin or balding, by extracting hair follicles from areas with full head coverage (donor area) and reinserting them into those that lack it (bald or thinning areas of scalp). The surgeon may use either of two techniques for hair transplantation: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) or Direct Hair Implantation (DHI). Both procedures are carried out under local anaesthetic, with some discomfort that can be mitigated with painkilling medications. Although infection at donor and transplant sites is occasionally an issue, this should generally be managed through proper post-operative care and should not progress over time despite surgery; some forms of hereditary baldness still progress despite surgery; it may however help slow its progress down considerably.
What are the results of hair restoration?
Hair restoration results are both natural and long-term. Our team uses techniques that create an unnoticeable hairline and full, thick head of hair. While transplantation can be performed at any stage of hair loss, ideally we advise performing it while there is still healthy hair on both the sides and back of the scalp from which we can obtain grafts for transplant.
Surgery usually entails taking a small strip of scalp with hair-bearing areas from both back and top of your head, then dissecting it into tiny “micro” follicular groups that will then be transplanted onto areas that have become bald or thin on their own. Once implanted into these bald or thinned spots on your scalp, these new hair follicles grow much like existing hair does – virtually undetectable by most.
At Dr. Sibel’s practice in Newtown Square, we would be more than happy to provide more details regarding hair restoration procedures during a personalized consultation session. Please reach out now so that we may arrange your appointment!
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