Gynecomastia – How to Get Rid of Man Boobs
Men who suffer from Gynecomastia typically experience breast tissue enlargement and occasionally tender or leakage of milk-like fluid from their nipples, caused by hormone changes. Treatment for Gynecomastia may involve surgery.
Gynecomastia may occur as a side effect of medications that increase estrogen levels in the body; it’s also not uncommon for boys going through puberty to temporarily experience temporary gynecomastia as their bodies make transition.
What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia, commonly referred to as male breast enlargement, usually affects boys or men at puberty milestones and may result in pain or tenderness at the nipple area. The cause may lie in an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen hormones.
Gynecomastia may resolve on its own in certain cases. This typically happens when more muscles develop on a boy’s body or when excess weight is lost from his frame.
Sometimes a doctor may prescribe medicines to address the problem. Such drugs can either decrease oestrogen levels in the body or increase testosterone production to shrink nipple tissue and ease symptoms.
Rarely, doctors may advise surgery to remove excess nipple tissue or breast glands. The procedure requires general anaesthesia and typically uses multiple surgical techniques depending on each individual case – including liposuction (a surgical process designed to remove fat). Liposuction may be applied in some instances as well.
Causes of Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia is most often caused by an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen hormones. Although anyone at any age may be affected, newborns, men going through puberty and older adults tend to be especially affected. Furthermore, certain medications can lead to side effects of this kind and it can occur either unilaterally or bilaterally.
Some medications can alter the balance of hormones in the body, particularly those that increase levels of prolactin produced by the pituitary gland and used for various functions. Gynecomastia may also occur as a side effect from taking anabolic steroids, cancer treatments, antipsychotic medication and gastrointestinal drugs.
Diet may also play a factor in how hormones balance out in the body. Malnutrition can lead to low testosterone and high estrogen, potentially resulting in gynecomastia. Furthermore, some plant oils used in shampoos, soaps or lotions may have hormonal implications as they contain phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen’s effects in the body.
Symptoms of Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia can be recognized by an abnormal build-up of lumpy or rubbery, firm breast tissue that extends across the chest and becomes painful or tender when touched, typically beginning under the nipple and spreading outwards to reach the areola area of male chest. Gynecomastia should be distinguished from male breast enlargement caused by excess fat which typically only affect one side and have more oval than round shapes; and is distinct from breast growth seen in some newborn babies who leak milk-like liquid through their nipsles but will disappear as they get older.
Many men who develop man boobs do not suffer from any medical issues and can manage them effectively through diet, exercise and medications. For instance, those suffering from pseudogynecomastia (a common cause of man boobs) can often eliminate their moobs through focusing on reducing body fat through cardiovascular and weight training exercises.
Treatments for Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia often resolves itself without surgery or further intervention; however, if it is causing distress or inhibiting participation in specific activities or socialising with friends and family members, counseling may be beneficial.
Condition resulting from an imbalance between testosterone and oestrogen hormones. Testosterone prevents breast tissue from growing, so when its levels decrease due to illness, ageing or taking certain drugs (including illegal ones) this may result in this disorder.
Exercise can help to diminish enlarged breasts, and in most cases this will resolve the issue. However, for severe cases of gynecomastia plastic surgery may be required to remove excess breast tissue and restore more masculine chest shape. Recovery following BodyTite removal procedures is generally quick and painless; most patients can return to work within 1-2 days depending on individual circumstances – please speak to your surgeon regarding aftercare instructions after your procedure.
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