Fluoride treatments strengthen your child’s enamel, making them less vulnerable to bacteria and cavities, while simultaneously slowing and sometimes even reversing tooth decay by attacking its source: harmful bacteria.
Professional fluoride treatments consist of gels, foams, or varnishes applied directly to the teeth by a dentist or dental hygienist and contain higher concentrations of fluoride than what can be found in toothpaste or mouth rinse.
It Strengthens Your Teeth
Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral added to community water supplies and many toothpastes and mouthwashes. It strengthens tooth enamel by shielding against acid attacks from bacteria that causes cavities. At your dentist’s office, they’ll offer more concentrated fluoride doses than you’ll find over-the-counter; treatments typically come as varnish, foam or gel application that’s quick, painless and available on demand!
Fluoride can be obtained in several ways – through foods, water and over-the-counter oral care products – but some individuals need an extra boost to protect their teeth from decay. This is especially true of infants, children and adults who don’t consume fluoridated water or have weakened enamel, making fluoride treatment beneficial in preventing early signs of decay while strengthening teeth and strengthening enamel.
Fanwood Family and Cosmetic Dentistry’s professional fluoride treatment leaves your teeth coated in a clear, sticky liquid that feels similar to tooth varnish. While safe for patients of all ages, its effectiveness may be particularly noticeable among kids and teenagers as their teeth continue to develop. Fluoride treatments also reduce sensitivity in teeth while helping protect dentin from external stimuli thereby decreasing gum disease risk.
Your teeth will be cleaned and dried prior to receiving fluoride applications in order to reduce dilution, and then your hygienist will apply a 5% varnish of sodium fluoride on all surfaces of the teeth. After approximately 15 minutes for it to set properly, you’ll be advised to avoid drinking hot beverages or alcohol beverages, eating crunchy foods or flossing or brushing for at least 4-6 hours so the fluoride can absorb into enamel and remineralize it effectively.
Fluoride treatments are generally safe and effective for most patients in Fort Valley; however, you should discuss your specific needs with your dentist in Fort Valley first. Fluoride pills are also available and may be prescribed by either your pediatrician or dentist; these supplements offer additional fluoride intake for children who don’t receive fluoridated water or adults with history of dental issues.
It Prevents Cavities
Fluoride treatments are one of the best ways to combat cavities, which is why fluoride has been added to city water sources and toothpastes. Fluoride strengthens teeth while encouraging remineralization – returning minerals back into tooth enamel after acids wear it away (demineralization). Furthermore, fluoride helps slow or even reverse cavities by targeting their source: bacteria.
Fluoride is an essential nutrient found naturally in rocks, plants and oceans – essential for your oral health! While you can obtain sufficient amounts through food and beverage consumption alone, professional fluoride treatments provide an extra boost. A dentist or dental hygienist may apply a topical fluoride varnish directly onto your teeth during a dental cleaning or exam appointment for quick and painless application of fluoride to enhance oral wellness.
Fluoride treatments typically take only minutes. Your teeth will first be thoroughly cleaned and dried to minimize any dilution of the fluoride solution, followed by application of 5% sodium fluoride varnish by a dental hygienist; once dry, this varnish may feel slightly sticky but should dry quickly with no staining to the enamel surface. Afterward, we ask you to avoid hot beverages, alcohol beverages and crunchy foods so the fluoride has time to work its magic on the enamel surface.
Alongside fluoride treatments, brushing and flossing daily will also help remove food particles and plaque from your teeth, which can help prevent cavities and gum disease such as periodontitis which expose more teeth and roots to bacteria and increase the risk of cavities and decay. If you have had previous experience with either cavities or periodontitis, regular fluoride treatments may be suggested by your dentist.
Fluoride treatments can be the ideal way to maintain healthy teeth. Fluoride treatments help remineralize enamel and teeth, making it harder for acids to break them down, while they may even reverse early signs of decay – thus eliminating further decay and any need for fillings.
It Prevents Gum Disease
Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral found in water and foods. Added to toothpaste and mouthwash to combat tooth decay and cavities, regular fluoride treatments at your dentist’s office should also help strengthen teeth against decay as well as gum disease. Fluoride treatments are fast, safe and effective; strengthening them to protect from further tooth decay.
Tooth decay is caused by bacteria, sugars and acid that break down your enamel and weaken it over time. Fluoride can help combat tooth decay by strengthening and remineralizing enamel; not only should you use toothpaste containing fluoride but there are also gels and mouth rinses with high concentrations of the mineral available commercially. For best results, professional fluoride treatments contain much higher concentrations than their over-the-counter counterparts.
Fluoride treatments not only strengthen your teeth, but they can also prevent gum disease. Gum disease is a serious dental condition that can lead to gum recession and tooth loss; additionally it’s often the source of bad breath and tooth sensitivity. Fluoride can lower your chances of gum disease by decreasing plaque and tartar accumulation on teeth.
Fluoride treatments can also benefit those suffering from dry mouth by helping them thoroughly clean their teeth, which is often difficult with this condition, leading to cavities and tooth decay. Furthermore, fluoride can seal exposed dentin and thus decrease tooth sensitivity as part of receding gum line treatment plans.
Though regular fluoride treatments offer numerous advantages, it’s essential to understand their associated risks as well. Fluoride is a mineral which is potentially toxic when consumed in excess. When this happens, dental fluorosis occurs – typically seen among children but also sometimes adults can be affected.
Preventive dentistry such as fluoride treatments are an affordable and efficient solution to keeping gum disease at bay, and other serious dental issues. Addressing problems directly is much more costly.
It Prevents Tooth Loss
Fluoride can help both prevent tooth decay and reverse existing cases of it. As a natural mineral that supports healthy tooth enamel and attacks bacteria that lead to gum disease, fluoride is found in toothpaste, mouthwash and municipal water supplies; in addition, dentists or dental hygienists can administer topical applications of fluoride as a topical treatment – usually applied as gel, foam or varnish onto tooth surfaces directly or as topical varnish for quick application on enamel surfaces.
Fluoride stands out from other minerals that help prevent cavities, such as calcium and phosphate, by not being absorbed through the stomach. This makes it an effective treatment for tooth loss caused by plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth. Fluoride works by remineralizing tooth enamel after acids have stripped it (demineralization). Fluoride has even been proven to reverse very early tooth decay cases!
Fluoride is an extremely safe and effective substance, and your dentist may recommend fluoride treatments every six to twelve months to those at greater risk of dental decay, including elderly individuals or those unable to effectively remove plaque and sugar deposits from their teeth or those with special needs who are unable to brush or floss regularly. Such patients have increased susceptibility to cavities, and should receive professional fluoride treatments every six or twelve months to protect themselves from cavities forming.
Fluoride’s effectiveness has been documented through numerous studies. One such comprehensive report revealed that children and adults who received regular fluoride treatments were 43% less likely to develop holes in their teeth compared with those who did not get treatment on a consistent basis.
Fluoride treatments are beneficial to your overall health as well as to your teeth, helping prevent heart disease, strokes and diabetes as well as decreasing dementia risk and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in older adults. It is advised that fluoride treatments be provided every six to 12 months by visiting your dentist regularly while practicing good oral hygiene at home between visits in order to maintain strong and beautiful smiles!
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